Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Yesterday, as moonlight glitters upon the valley
I climbed to the roof
To gaze the luminous landscape of western mountain
I stare at a starry sky
To look out at the infinite expanse of sky
Instead I was looking inward of my own presences
Wandering inside the garden of  past,
Up the hills and down the hills
Listening to my own footstep
From far away to each corner
Hearing my own voice
That was stammering and struggling to reach the ears

As  each minute I try to recall
I try to comprehend my failures
Yes, though it was hard, really hard
Yet at last,  I made peace with circular moving arrows
But then I realize the insignificance of my own being.
In my own won past.

Published on Republica-Gennext, Nepal's National daily, newspaper

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent Tenxin!!!! It comes right from the heart and very poetically expressed!!
    Should have like button on this!
