Monday, September 30, 2013


In the eyes of young lover ( cheated )
with distress shadow by his side
time moves like an old man

Into the night
when up in the sky
changing colors of clouds dance.
He sing of love, he sings of his darling
to stir up his trouble
to stir up his sentiment.
From his guitar
plodding musical rhythm floats with hundreds of beats.
From his mouth
sentimental pop songs flies far towards his presence.

He sings of a day, they first met
day of azure
beside the shore of river
beneath the coconut tree

He sings of a day of a  lover sigh
when from wreathe of Darjeeling mist
gliding she appear 
if as a candlelight, lid inside a wide dark room

He sing of her eye
which blinks and brings bliss to his heart.
He sings of her vigorous face
with vivid vision on cheek.
He sings of her thick black hair
which he describe smooth as feathers of birds
 tightly tied.
He sings about her voice
sweet alike singing of his mother

 He sings of a day, they last met.
inside a void room
beneath a glimmering of bulb light
'with false scandal she put forwarded to him by his sight
And sobbing he sings, about her poor judgement 
and how she vanish by his sight.

Into the night
when up in the sky
changing colors of clouds dance
He sing of love, he sings of his darling
to stir up his trouble
to stir up his sentiment.
From his guitar
plodding musical rhythm floats with hundreds of beats.
From his mouth
sentimental pop songs flies far towards his presence.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

River unnamed (Childhood days in Oodlabari)

He looks to horizon, he sees blue of horizon
he gaze beneath, he sees blue of layer making small waves.
'He hears the sound of waves
again and again
it comes to his ear ineffective as barks of mad dog to madman.
But on curves
river uprise
if he awake from night
to voice is free and fearless existence.

Meanwhile on shore, river voice get reduce
likely stop and push.

Shore takes out rich soil, sand and gravel from river unnamed.
like colonial empire takes treasure from colonize nation.

Thinlay and I used to walks upon the beach
after playing cricket all day
to swim on side of river for relief.
Thinlay, seeing  me
used to stand erect on rock, curve his upperparts
then bends his body to touch his feet.
Again up his upperparts
on approx ninety degree
he looks to horizon, he sees blue of horizon
he gaze beneath, he sees blue of layers making small waves
and within seconds, he dives inside blue of layer
thinking of divine path.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Discovery of Nepal


Exhausted circle 

Change chants
chosen chance
corrupt crown
coward crowd

Cunning crows curbs cow
countryman can't counter
counterproductive can cost
context continues

While, cough countryman can certainly lament.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

POP Singer

Amid all odd
her appearance appeared

"Fair oval face, 
Black long hair and eyes small as of central Asian
while, her body brought aroma around
which arouse aura among audience.

And amid all odd
"she sang of her beloved
brashly with roaring of flames
rolling role he played and left.

But she sang, 
fairly without  emotion
and listener fairly listening her emotion verbal
heaped their body, while their throat roared.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


she succeed to take complete circle
but behind fear flight over organs
which wiping happening happiness.

'after all
within her 
was woman
living legend
but beside
within winning woman
was woman
unclean using 
legally ban substances

Light and Dark


'Night falls
and brings fear of dark terror
but again on next morning
light glitters from eastern horizon
like sound waves of holy prayer pitch from holy mountain
to banish that fear


On morning 
birds chants awakening melody
from bloomed branches of trees
whose green leaves fills with rain dew
ready to fall on floor- anytime

while, at this time cool breeze would blow
saying children 'run to school
to attain enlightenment
whereas, for fathers 'run to earn 
so to  keep on run


With strange smell in voice like of acidic smell of onion
Guruji, would scold me
On one edge of rectangular classroom
For equation i wrongly solved

'With furious face, his lips open to quote 
"Blinds are a man, who know no mathematics"
And if like waves, it comes sound grinding.
 After collision of Guruji's saliva onto my solid face

But before Gurji's voice goes silent 
He would ask me to solve another equation 
From complex number
Complexity of number - puzzle me
And for reason i become blinded

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Like you

Like you
I am a seeker, and often find myself restless
Which gets me into trouble.

Like you,
I have lots of enthusiasm
But I don’t stick with one thing for very long
So it fades rather quickly.

Like you,
Occasionally, I do get  selfish
And persuade people to do things
Only in I am interested.

Like you,
I am huge rebel
And can’t accept your perspective
And can’t get along.

And like you
I am original person
With amazing ideas.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


For  love,
You have to allow someone into your secret room.
And to take the fragrance of your hidden things,
Your fear of exposure.

For your understanding
He unzips his heart
To show the sweet innocence trapped in his own room.

Like you do so.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Paint's Theme

On a canvas,
An artist was painting
"Dispiritedly with oily colours
Naked sketch of her
Drawn ashamed with shamefaced
Next to her, a man was drawn
Befitted by white beard
Religious ropes with impure hidden.

‘I thought what’s on her mind?
Why she is questioning sanctity of a saint?

While she picks black on the brush
   And starts to color ‘beside the subject

Alas! 'in my surprise
Stroke after stroke
Some mystery -  Unknown, untamed
Keeps on folding
On a canvas

So,  I thought again of her theme
Sin hidden within the silk

oh! modern art, ah! modern saint 'a weak voice arise in my throat.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trying to write some "Proverbs"

Hunter always glorifies his number of successful hunts but he fails to count the number of bullets he missed in the process. 

Humans are puppet of emotion, not of logic

In the world of  blocs, Inherent in itself is a threat.

Today “History” is not simply a study of the past. It’s more than that, it’s a tool - ‘a political tool for elites to glorify their present referring their glorious past. And for a Suppressed group to rectify their present by referring their humiliated past.’

Often, political blame between two leaders in democracy sounds just like an argument between two footballer ‘one claiming you could have passed well while another keep on opposing you could have run to control the ball and would have scored.

Don’t feel pity on a competitor who lose against you this time. if you do so, then remember either you are underestimating his/her capacity for next time or either you are having an ego.

When sentiment comes,  the man in you speaks about what he felt in the heart rather than why he felt. And that fictitious narration destroy the truth.

“You have to know that
sometime war is for peace”

 When your eyes encounter disabilities of a person at very first sight, then your eyes would never going to encounter his abilities any time, if so not anytime soon.

We are like strings of a guitar
Each with own sound and each with own importance.

It was the place, you was the guy and everything was meant before. Whether you do believe in such things or not but every face you encounter today is a memory for tomorrow. 

For every natural happening, you have two option to determine why it occurred.
Myth or reason?

We search for answer only when we have question.