Hunter always glorifies his number of successful hunts but he fails to count the number of bullets he missed in the process.
Humans are puppet of emotion, not of logic
In the world of blocs, Inherent in itself is a threat.
Today “History” is not simply a study of the past. It’s more
than that, it’s a tool - ‘a political tool for elites to glorify their present referring
their glorious past. And for a Suppressed group to rectify their present by referring
their humiliated past.’
Often, political blame between two leaders in democracy
sounds just like an argument between two footballer ‘one claiming you could
have passed well while another keep on opposing you could have run to control
the ball and would have scored.
Don’t feel pity on a competitor who lose against you this time. if you do so, then remember either you are underestimating his/her capacity for next time or either you are having an ego.
When sentiment comes, the man in you speaks about what he felt in the heart
rather than why he felt. And that fictitious narration destroy the truth.
“You have to know that
sometime war is for peace”
When your eyes encounter disabilities of a person at very first sight, then your
eyes would never going to encounter his abilities any time, if so not anytime
We are like strings of
a guitar
Each with own sound
and each with own importance.
It was the place, you
was the guy and everything was meant before. Whether you do believe in such
things or not but every face you encounter today is a memory for tomorrow.
For every natural
happening, you have two option to determine why it occurred.
or reason?
We search for answer only when we have question.
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