Saturday, February 15, 2014


I accompanied,
 My very being to thy service.

 At last, at last
Thou hast come to my home.

Beloved, through my endeavor,
 Fool mistaken my sacred heart
To be silent devotee of solitude.

 And here, my endeavor
 Not gone in vain.

I wait for thou with
Trust, mother do to her son.
Blindly, forgiving every wrong and sin.

And here, my wait
Not gone in vain.

I wait for thou with
Pure truth, that every whisper they whisper
Deeply untrue.

 And here, as thou appear
Every whisper vanished,
Like water evaporate.

I wait for thou with
Patience, everyday the day pass
If I coming closer to thee.

And here, as thou shown
Arouse hope to a man near to death
That he is yet to be born.